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Sunrider: Liberation Day - Captain's Edition title image

Sunrider: Liberation Day - Captain's Edition

There IS an uncensor patch available for Sunrider: Liberation Day - Captain's Edition!

The patch HAS been verified - good to go!

Patch Information:

This patch can be retrieved from the Denpasoft website.

It's Working If:

A content warning appears when you start the game, and "DENPA EDITION" appears at the top left hand corner of the main menu.

Patch download: https://denpasoft.com/products/sunrider-liberation-day-restoration-dlc-1?rfsn=2373751.64f308&utm_source=refersion&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=2373751.64f308

Steam store: https://store.steampowered.com/app/358750

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