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Elise the Devil title image

Elise the Devil

There IS an uncensor patch available for Elise the Devil!

The patch HAS been verified - good to go!

Patch Information:

The game has mosaic censorship even when patched. If there is a patch available to remove these mosaics as well, please let us know!

Install Instructions:

  1. Open the Steam game install folder (right click the game in Steam, Properties, Local Files, Browse Local Files...)
  2. Download the patch from the link below
  3. Extract the contents of the patch archive into the game install folder mentioned above

It's Working If:

When you service the man at the top of the first village for money, there is no white smoke covering any sensitive areas.

Patch download: https://mega.nz/#!FeozHTaA!xSoCpOGx0Oekw7g9sCBEI5Y0Cz4WiKtHocFeO2E9H9I

Steam store: https://store.steampowered.com/app/711990

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