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Baldr Sky title image

Baldr Sky

There IS an uncensor patch available for Baldr Sky!

The patch HAS NOT been verified - proceed with caution.

Verifying patches means owning the games, which while I would love to own every lewd Steam game, is not practical for me at the moment.

If you have an interest in helping me out with game access, get in touch through the contact page!

Patch Information:

This patch is intended to work with the English version of the game, and may not work for other languages.

There is a separate patch for uncensoring the ending movie (kept separate as it is quite large and only has minor changes). This can be applied the same way the main patch is.

Install Instructions:

  1. Open the Steam game install folder (right click the game in Steam, Properties, Local Files, Browse Local Files...)
  2. Download the patch archive from the link below
  3. Extract the contents of the downloaded patch archive into the game install folder mentioned above

It's Working If:

The game window title includes "18+ Patch" in it.

Patch download:

Steam store:

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